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ctf.pl - Nowi admini coolnetu
orlan - Pią Lis 11, 2005 11:04 am Temat postu: Nowi admini coolnetu Wyniki glosy = gl. pozytywne - negatywne:
Kribol - 12
ziutek - 8
kazpex - 7
shinoda - 7
pyzadi - 7
kazwa - 5
vitez - 4 (neostrada ale OK)
reszta ponizej 3 glosow odpada.
Osoby wymienione prosze o wymyslenie sobie username (min 4 znaki) i hasla (min 6 znakow) oraz podanie IP z ktorego bedą graly na orlan malpa o2 pl lub orlan malpa wp pl lub na gg 162949
ZABRANIA SIE KOPAC, BANOWAC INNYCH ADMINOW (wyjatek stanowia mecze ligowe)
admini CB (w trybie match), rosarian, bundy, orlan: moga wszytsko co powyzej jest zabronione.
Za co mozna zostac wywalonym z servera :
Za uzywanie wszelakiej masci botów ktore same celuja, unikaja strzałow, pokazuja mape z zawodnikami, widza przez sciany, przyspieszaja poruszanie sie. Odliczanie quada i innych artefaktów jest dozwolone w trybie public.
za niesportowe zachowanie np podpowiadanie na specu
za notoryczne i natarczywe obrazanie innych graczy
za dochodzenie do teamu grajacego w liczebnej przewadze.
za spamowanie
za uzywanie tagu klanu do ktorego sie nie nalezy
WSZELKIE SKARGI NA ADMINOW PRZEZ GRACZY LUB INNYCH ADMINOW PROSZE KIEROWAC DO MNIE. WOJNY ADMINOW NA SERWERZE SA NIEDOPUSZCZALNE. Skargi powinny byc poparte logami lub demami. Zastrzegam sobie prawo podawania skarg (logow oraz dem) do publicznej wiadowmosci na tym forum
Ustawienia servera lfire.ini
Kod: | [admin]
=fool please_ban_my_ip/ BCGLMPSTVY
=CCoolnet: STa-CTF
=C*Abuse & comlains
=C*send to orlan at o2 pl
=Cgadu-gadu 162949
; =newbie
; =
# Variations on the F word
=fuck you
=fuk you
=fuck u
=fuk u
# Variations on the S word
# Variations on the N word
# Female genitalia
# Male genitalia
=suck my
=suk my
# Other body parts
Kod: | ;
; This is the config file for the q2admin dll.
; (c) 1998 Shane Powell
; The q2admin.txt is first read from the quake2 directory and then from the mod
; directory.
; Enable/disable main zbot detection.
zbotdetect "Yes"
; Quake2 Client Admin password.
; To enable uncomment and change the password to something else.
;adminpassword ""
; Only for use in windows.
; This tells the q2admin dll that it is running in the quake2 directory (or the release
; directory for v3.20+). When set to 'No' the dll is being loaded from the mod directory
; like the linux / solaris versions. For win32 the old mod dll must be called
; 'gamex86.real.dll' for this to work.
;quake2dirsupport "Yes"
; MOTD file to display at client connect (and also happens on level changed as well)
; For the console versions of the command, if you don't supply
; a filename, the MOTD is cleared. If you do the MOTD is loaded.
; NOTE: by default the MOTD is read from the quake2 directory.
; If you want to use a mod motd you must supply the directory
; name. e.g. sv !setmotd "ctf/mymotd.txt"
setmotd ""
; Once a zbot is detected, how long to wait before actioning it.
; -1 will generate a random timeout between 5 seconds to 5 seconds + randomwaitreporttime seconds.
zbotdetectactivetimeout "0"
; When zbotdetectactivetimeout is -1 this value is used to genterate a random time between
; 5 seconds to 5 seconds + randomwaitreporttime seconds.
; e.g. 55 means 5 seconds to 60 seconds
randomwaitreporttime "55"
; ZBOT backup detector timeout in seconds. 5 is the min but 60 seconds is good for the internet.
; You shouldn't need to touch this value at all. Mainly used for internal development testing.
clientsidetimeout "30"
; Disconnect a zbot user when detected.
disconnectuser "Yes"
; Display user is a zbot to the rest of the server
displayzbotuser "Yes"
; Number of times to display the user is using a zbot?
numofdisplays "5"
; Message to display that the using is using a zbot.
; NOTE: must have 1 and only 1 '%s' in the line
; %s will print the users name
zbotuserdisplay "[Q2Admin] %s is using a client side proxy!!!"
; Custom server console command to run on zbot bot detect.
; (run after the log file update)
customservercmd ""
; Custom client console command to run on zbot bot detect.
; (run after the client messages and before the disconnect)
customclientcmd "say MAM ZBOT-a !!!"
; Display when impulses are generated / used
; This is a future-proof thing that will display messages when impulses are used. The reason is if
; the zbot person has a zbot hack to get around the "normal" detect this will display when he is
; sending commands. Sort of like a back-up method of detecting zbot users. The only problem is that
; normal clients can generate impulses as well and I don't know if this is for commanding the zbot
; or something that a normal q2 mod uses. Only 1 q2 mod that I know off uses impulses tho so chances
; are that it's a abot user.
; zbot impulses:
; - Impulse 169 : toggle menu
; - Impulse 170 : move up (menu)
; - Impulse 171 : move down (menu)
; - Impulse 172 : increase item (menu)
; - Impulse 173 : decrease item (menu)
; - Impulse 174 : toggles bot on/off
; - Impulse 175 : toggles scanner display
; Note: I display a message when ANY impulse is used just to be safe...
displayimpulses "Yes"
; Disconnect user if generating a impulse.
disconnectuserimpulse "No"
; What impulses do we want to kick people on?? disconnectuserimpulse must be set to
; 'Yes' for this to take action. Commenting this command out will select all impulses.
impulsestokickon "169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175"
; Max number of impulses to detect before kicking.
maximpulses "1"
; Custom client console command that is run when clients
; connect.
customclientcmdconnect ""
; Custom server console command that is run when clients
; connect. '%c's are replaced by the client number.
; e.g. "sv !stuff cl %c file clientconnect.txt"
customservercmdconnect ""
; Display name changes so everybody knows someones changed there name...
displaynamechange "Yes"
; Enable play_team command (may not work %100 with each mod, depends on how the mod teams are implemented).
; Plays a wav file on each person that is in your team.
play_team_enable "No"
; Enable play_all command.
; Plays a wav file for each person in the game.
play_all_enable "No"
; Enable play_person command.
; Plays a wav file for 1 person in the game.
play_person_enable "No"
; Enable say_person command.
; Send a message to 1 person in the game.
say_person_enable "No"
; Enable say_group_enable command.
; Send a message to a group of people in the game.
say_group_enable "No"
; Enable the extended say commands.
extendedsay_enable "No"
; Sets Q2Admin's version number in a cvar on the server. This way
; programs like Gamespy will show Q2Admin's version number as part
; of the server info. If you're getting "Info string length exceeded"
; on the server console, change this value to "No".
serverinfoenable "Yes"
; The default ban message for logging and displaying when someone
; is banned.
defaultbanmsg "[Q2Admin] You are banned from this server!!!"
; The default chat ban message for logging and displaying when someone
; has typed in a banned word.
defaultchatbanmsg "[Q2Admin] Message banned."
; Enable ip banning. For bans that use both IP and Name, it then just uses the name.
;ipbanning_enable "No"
ipbanning_enable "Yes"
; Enable nick banning. For bans that use both IP and Name, it then just uses the IP.
;nickbanning_enable "No"
nickbanning_enable "Yes"
; Enable chat banning.
;chatbanning_enable "No"
chatbanning_enable "Yes"
; Message to display when a player gets kicked for using a hacked
; quake2.exe to get around (some of) the protection methods of Q2Admin.
hackuserdisplay "[Q2Admin] %s is using a hacked quake2.exe!!!"
; Sets the maximum cl_maxfps that a client may have. See readme.txt for how this works and
; IF you should use it. Uncomment to enable.
;maxfps "31"
; Sets the minimum cl_maxfps that a client may have.
;minfps "10"
; Sets the maximum rate that a client may have. See readme.txt for how this works and
; IF you should use it. Uncomment to enable.
;maxrate "5000"
; Sets the minimum rate that a client may have. See readme.txt for how this works and
; IF you should use it. Uncomment to enable.
;minrate "1000"
; ban on client connect (YES) or ban on client begin (NO). When banning on client
; connect the banned player will not use up a client position at all BUT no ban
; message is displayed. Ban on client begin will use a player position for the length
; of the client map load then be kicked. But client will get a BAN message before
; getting kicked.
;banonconnect "Yes"
banonconnect "No"
; Name changing flood protection so that a name change macro does not flood the server and
; other clients.
; namechangefloodprotect "<number of messages> <in x seconds> <silence in seconds>"
; if <silence in seconds> is 0 then the person is kicked.
; to disable change to:
; namechangefloodprotect "disable"
;namechangefloodprotect "5 2 10"
namechangefloodprotect "2 10 0"
; Name change flood protection message.
namechangefloodprotectmsg "[Q2Admin] %s changes names too many times!"
; Kick uses for changing to banned names. If No the name is not allowed to change.
;kickonnamechange "No"
kickonnamechange "Yes"
; Chat flood protection so that a chat macro does not flood the server and
; other clients.
; chatfloodprotect "<number of messages> <in x seconds> <silence in seconds>"
; if <silence in seconds> is 0 then the person is kicked.
; e.g. chatfloodprotect "5 2 10"
; to disable change to:
; chatfloodprotect "disable"
chatfloodprotect "3 6 60"
; Name change flood protection message.
chatfloodprotectmsg "[Q2Admin] %s is making too much noise!"
; Converts the mod gamemap commands to map commands for when it changes levels. This forces the
; mod dll to unload / reload.
gamemaptomap "No"
; Enable the disable of spawn map entities. (q2adminspawn.txt)
spawnentities_enable "Yes"
; Enable q2admin vote features (q2adminvote.txt).
vote_enable "No"
; The client vote command name.
clientvotecommand "vote"
; Vote timeout in seconds.
clientvotetimeout "60"
; Count non vote's in the percent calculation.
votecountnovotes "Yes"
; Percent required for the vote to pass. (1 - 99)
votepasspercent "50"
; Minimum number of people in the game before allowed to vote on a command.
voteminclients "0"
; Maximum number of votes allowed in <voteclientmaxvotetimeout> time for one player.
; 0 = disabled, i.e. unlimited.
voteclientmaxvotes "0"
; Time in seconds allowed for <voteclientmaxvotes> to be cast for one player.
; 0 = for whole level.
voteclientmaxvotetimeout "0"
; The vote remind message time, i.e. every clientremindtimeout seconds the
; clients are reminded to vote or the stat's of the vote is displayed.
clientremindtimeout "10"
; Linux ONLY:
; Load the linux game so in lazy mod. The default is NOW which can cause some mod's
; not to load. The mod's the don't load is because of a problem with the mod itself
; not q2admin. This switch is meant to be a workaround only...
; Mod's which don't load under the default switch can crash. (with or without q2admin)
soloadlazy "No"
; Three variables that control zbotcheck code (zbot movement checking code by
; WhiteFang)
zbc_enable "Yes"
zbc_jittermax "4"
zbc_jittertime "10"
zbc_jittermove " 500"
; Controls the detection of BW-Proxy and Nitro2/Xania proxies.
; 0 - No Detection. This means they will be detected as zbots.
; 1 - Normal Detection. This is the most secure method but with some mods
; this may not work.
; 2 - Insecure Detection. This will allow the proxies to connect but
; it may also allow some types of modified zbot to connect as well.
; Also settings either proxy_bwproxy or proxy_nitro2 to '2' will
; automatically set the other one to '2' as well.
proxy_bwproxy "0"
proxy_nitro2 "0"
; Determines whether Q2Admin will send a "p_version"-string to a player
; on connect. If the player is using a proxy it will respond with its
; name and version number.
dopversion "Yes"
; Controls if clients are allowed to use the console to generate chat messages without the
; use of a command.
consolechat_disable "No"
; Internal q2admin run mode. Used for debuging / testing. Please leave at 100 for normal use.
; 0 - Pass through layer only.
; 1-99 - Unused for now.
; 100 - Fully featured q2admin.
q2adminrunmode "100"
; Maximum clients that q2admin can process per frame.
; This is a debugging/internal value that should not be
; changed unless told to.
maxclientsperframe "100"
; q2admin processes messages every x frames. This is a internal
; testing value and it is not a good idea to change it.
framesperprocess "0"
; Detects if the client has a hacked timescale quake2.exe
timescaledetect "Yes"
; Message that is displayed if the user is detected with a
; hacked timescale exe.
timescaleuserdisplay "[Q2Admin] %s is using a speed cheat quake2!!!"
; Skin changing flood protection so that a skin change macro does not flood the server and
; other clients.
; skinchangefloodprotect "<number of skin changes> <in x seconds> <silence in seconds>"
; if <silence in seconds> is 0 then the person is kicked.
; to disable change to:
; skinchangefloodprotect "disable"
skinchangefloodprotect "2 10 0"
; Skin change flood protection message.
skinchangefloodprotectmsg "[Q2Admin] %s changes skins too many times!"
; Message to display when a player gets kicked for trying to change
; his skin to a very large value which would crash the server.
skincrashmsg "[Q2Admin] %s tried to crash the server!!!"
; Enable the disable client commands. (q2admindisable.txt)
disablecmds_enable "Yes"
; Enable the cl_pitchspeed change detect
cl_pitchspeed_enable "Yes"
; What to do with cl_pitchspeed detect changes?
cl_pitchspeed_kick "Yes"
; Display when someone changes the cl_pitchspeed.
cl_pitchspeed_display "Yes"
; The kick display message.
cl_pitchspeed_kickmsg "[Q2Admin] cl_pitchspeed changes not allowed on this server."
; Enable the cl_anglespeedkey change detect
cl_anglespeedkey_enable "No"
; What to do with cl_anglespeedkey detect changes?
cl_anglespeedkey_kick "No"
; Display when someone changes the cl_anglespeedkey.
cl_anglespeedkey_display "Yes"
; The kick display message.
cl_anglespeedkey_kickmsg "[Q2Admin] cl_anglespeedkey changes not allowed on this server."
; Force client to reconnect to inital connection, bepasses any proxies that may be runnning.
; Please put in the ip address/name and port (if needed) of the server.
; e.g. reconnect_address "quake2.games.org.nz:27920"
; or
; e.g. reconnect_address ""
; No address means the feature is disabled.
;reconnect_address ""
; Client must reconnect in X time from the inital connect. Time in seconds.
reconnect_time "20"
; This controls how strict the reconnect feature is.
; 0 - very strict (most secure but is the most likely to cause multiple reconnections)
; 1 - less strict (not so secure, this should allow NAT router / internet software proxy
; to connect more easily)
reconnect_checklevel "0"
; Message to display while a player is reconnecting to the Quake2 server.
; If you want to include newlines in this message, use the "
; like the way it is done inside the default message below.
defaultreconnectmessage "Please wait to be reconnected to the server - this is normal for this level of bot protection.
The fastest way to do this is not to change any client info e.g. your name or skin."
; Enables the internal disabling of spawning entities. For this feature to
; work entity_classname_offset must be set also to the correct value for the
; mod that you are running. "spawnentities_enable" must also be set to "Yes"
; for this figure to work.
spawnentities_internal_enable "No"
; The byte offset to the classname pointer in the entity structure.
; This is required for the internal disable spawn entities feature.
; If this figure is wrong q2admin may crash and the internal disable
; entities feature will not work or the entity create/delete logging
; feature to work.
; Email killerbee to check what the offset is for the mod that you are
; running.
entity_classname_offset "280"
; Filters out any non-printable characters from any text being said/printed.
; It only allows characters in the range of 0x20 to 0x7E.
; This may upset some mods printing.
filternonprintabletext "No"
; Swaps the use of +attack and +use. This can be useful as if the players have
; to use +use to fire instead of +attack then it renders the auto-aim proxy
; unsable.
; Side Note Proz (aka Black Monk) sent me:
; BTW, for Macintosh users, !swap_attack_use is painful. They need to use
; their Q2 mouse controls to set the fire button to be, "ALT24". I think.
; They can't just "bind mouse1 +use" like PC users can, the mice act
; differently due to InputSprockets. And if a Mac user is using, say, USB
; OverDrive to get the Razor Boomslang mouse to work, popular for Mac gamers
; but not a supported Mac product, then they won't be able to bind to ALT24 at
; all meaning they are screwed or they have to bind a keyboard key to get it
; working. Just an FYI in case you update the docs.
swap_attack_use "No"
; The server lockdown message that connecting users see.
lockoutmsg "[Q2Admin] This server is currently locked."
; Enables the polling of client side variables listed in the q2admincheckvar.txt file.
checkvarcmds_enable "Yes"
; The number of seconds between before each variable for each client is checked when
; check client side variables is enabled.
; e.g. if there are 5 variables listed in q2admincheckvar.txt, the first variables is
; checked first, x seconds later the next line is checked and so on until there are no
; more variables to check. It then loops back to checking the first variable again.
; So if checkvar_poll_time is 60 seconds and there are 5 variables listed, each
; variable will be checked one every 5 minutes. Reducing this variable will increase
; the traffic between the client and the server.
checkvar_poll_time "60"
; Changes the rcon password to some random string for the lrcon command. This prevents
; people from discovering the real rcon password through dumpping packets.
rcon_random_password "Yes"
; Timeout, when rcon_random_password is set to "Yes", for how long lrcon command is
; timed out before the rcon password is set back to the orginal value.
lrcon_timeout "2"
; Enables the feature to exec the mapcfg/<mapname>-pre.cfg,
; mapcfg/<mapname>-post.cfg and mapcfg/<mapname>-end.cfg files.
mapcfgexec "No"
; Print messages when clients use the play sound commands. It tells who is playing the sound and to whom.
; (all/team/private)
printmessageonplaycmds "Yes"
; Max client msg level to be allowed on the server.
maxmsglevel "3"
; Check the clients IP Address is valid when the client is connecting.
checkclientipaddress "Yes"
; Custom settings - APPEND TO ORIGINAL (v1.17) Q2ADMIN.TXT
;If set to 1, lrcon commands will be treated as rcon and sent back to the client (older versions of Q2Admin use this
;behaviour). This is very insecure, so this setting defaults to 0. The downside is that client's won't see the output
;of their lrcon commands.
rcon_insecure 0
;Check for custom client,
; 0=disabled
; 1=enabled
; 2=check NC2.34
; 3=check NC2.34 and allow /-1/ codes
client_check "1"
;Set to 1: stuff 'set map_name mapname' for use in scripts - behave like dmflags, can be added together
;Set to 2: stuff 'exec cfg/mapname.cfg' for automated loading
;Set to 4: stuff 'exec cfg/all.cfg' before the map specific config
client_map_cfg "0"
;Check for frkq2 - somewhat obsolete
do_franck_check "Yes"
;Force the client to do a vid_restart on connect
do_vid_restart "No"
;1: do the check - work like dmflags
;2: dont spam the check
;4: dump to console
gl_driver_check "0"
;Restrict the amount of times a player can change gl_driver
gl_driver_max_changes "3"
;Check client for the un-availability of these commands
inverted_command1 ""
inverted_command2 ""
inverted_command3 ""
inverted_command4 ""
;Can be used with client_check when server has multiple IP's
lanip ""
;Speedcheat detection
max_pmod_noreply "1"
msec_int "5"
msec_kick_on_bad "5"
msec_max "6000"
speedbot_check_type "3"
;Enable kicking of clients having inverted/private commands
private_command_kick "Yes"
;Check client for the availability of these commands
private_command1 ""
private_command2 ""
private_command3 ""
private_command4 ""
q2a_command_check "No"
;Must be used with client_check, set to server's IP
serverip ""
;Allow use of servercontrolled timers
timers_active "Yes"
timers_min_seconds "10"
timers_max_seconds "180"
;Amount of time (seconds)/frequency the client can change userinfo
; there's an exploit in q2admin which means that if you send a lot of
; userinfo changes to it then it overflows it's command
; queues and actually makes the player invisible to the q2admin but not
; the game or server. this means none of q2admins checks will work.
; don't worry it's not commonly used but we did see that it was being used
; in the id3 modified ratbot as another level of throwing q2admin.
; this exploit can also be used to crash the server often with wierd
; messages like bad magic overflow (iirc).
; maximum amount of times a player can change their userinfo before being
; kicked for server flooding
userinfochange_count "40"
; amount of time in seconds a player can reach their maximum number of
; userinfo changes
userinfochange_time "60"
;To be used with client_check, specify what version to check for
version_check "2.34"
;Message to display to clients kicked due to NoCheat enforcement, %s will be replaced by version_check's value
client_msg "
This server requires NoCheat v%s
Download from www.bryceinc.com or q2tv.org
;Allow logging of player info, you can lookup a client using 'whois <name>'
;Value represents max users to be stored in q2adminwhois.txt, can only be set from config
whois_active "1024"
;To allow clients to bypass client_check, add them to 'q2adminbypass.txt' as follows: '<username> <password>'
;They can login by either typing '!bypass <username> <password>' on connect or put the following
;in their config: 'set clientuser <username>; set clientpass <password>' to log in automaticly
;You can also have several q2admin admins, these are read from 'q2adminlogin.txt' and should be added
;like this: '<username> <password> <adminlevel>', they can login by typing '!admin <username> <password>' or
;by putting this in their config: 'set q2adminuser <username>; set q2adminpass <password>' to log in automaticly
;Adminlevels are like dmflags, you can add them up for specific commands:
; 1: !boot - allow admin to kick clients
; 2: !dumpmsec - allow admin to verify client's speed
; 4: !changemap - allow admin to change maps
; 8: !dumpuser - allow admin to check out client's userinfo
; 16: !auth - allow admin to verify clients / !gfx - allow admin to verify video drivers
; 32: !dostuff - allow admin to stuff commands to client
; 64: present admins won't appear in whois requests
; 128: !writewhois - allow admin to store the current whois DB / allow admin to view full userinfo (CAREFULL!)
;You can reload the q2adminlogin.txt and q2adminwhois.txt files by using !reloadloginfile and !reloadwhoisfile
;Note: 'q2adminpassword' must be set for this to work
Kod: | set .URLs "http://ctf.pl" s
set .Hosted_by "yossarian@rulez.pl" s
set .INFO "Poland/Warsaw" s
set motd_file "motd.txt"
set dmflags 280084
// Zmienna dmflags kontroluje rozne paramtery gry.
// Jej wartosc oblicza sie wedle nastepujacych kryteriow:
// DF_NO_ARMOR 2048
// DF_QUAD_DROP 16384
// DF_FIXED_FOV 32768
// DF_CTF_NO_TECH 524288
set ctf_friendlyfire 0
// Zmienna ctf_friendlyfire kontroluje zachowanie flagi DF_FRIENDLY_FIRE.
// Standartowo ze wzgledu na blad w kodzie CTF nie jest mozliwe zabicie
// gracza z wlasnego teamu. Ustawienie tej zmiennej na "1" koryguje ten
// blad.
set sv_airaccelerate 0
// Zmienna sv_airaccelerate ustawiona na wartosc "10" wprowadza
// tzw. kontrole lotu.
set deathmatch 1
set fraglimit 0
set capturelimit 10
set timelimit 20
set rcon_password ******
set allow_download 1
set allow_download_players 1
set allow_download_models 1
set allow_download_sounds 1
set allow_download_maps 1
set flood_msgs 5
set flood_persecond 3
set flood_waitdelay 15
set antispam 1
set antispam_message "Przepraszam ze gadam za duzo..."
set antispam_gagtime 10
set antispam_warnings 5
set antispam_teamduplicate 3
set antiteamflood 1
set antinameflood 1
set filterchat 1
set filternames 1
// Zmienne kontrolujace zasady dzialania mechanizmow antyspamerskich
set timeout 60
set hostname "COOLNET: L-Fire CTF"
set public 1
// q2master.planetquake.com telefragged
// lfire stuff
set filterobits 1
set grapplepull 750
set logfile 1
set lognames 1
set logchat 1
set logfrags 1
set logadmin 1
set dailyfraglog 1
set logspeedcheat 1
set impulsekick 2
set mercylimit 0
set ot_style 0
set ot_rarounds 1
// Zmienne kontrolujce styl zakonczania pojedynkow:
// set ot_style 0 bez dogrywki (albo 1 ?)
// set ot_style 1 dogrywka "rocket arena"
// set ot_rarounds 3 ilosc rund "rocket arena"
// set ot_style 2 dogrywka "sudden death"
// set ot_sdtimelimit 10 czas dogrywki "sudden death"
set matchoptions 1
// Zmienna matchoptions kontroluje mozliwosc rozgrywania meczy
set matchvote_allow 1
// Zmienna kontroluje wybor admina meczu.
set matchvote_minclients 4
// Zmienna kontroluje minimalna ilosc graczy jaka powinna znajdowac sie na
// serwerze, aby mozna bylo rozpoczac mecz.
set matchvote_pass 51
// Zmienna kontroluje procent graczy jaki musi zaglosowac "yes", aby
// elekcja zakonczyla sie sukcesem.
set matchvote_selfelectlimit 3
// Zmienna kontroluje limit glosowan na admina meczu wywolywanych przez te
// sama osobe.
set matchvote_time 60
// Zmienna kontroluje ilosc czasu przez jaka trwa glosowanie.
set levelstart 15
// Odliczanie przed poczatkiem mapy
set levelstart_uneven 40
// Odliczanie przed poczatkiem mapy, ale w momencie jezeli poprzednia
// mapa zakonczyla sie zwyciestwem silniejszego teamu. Daje czas na
// wyrownanie skladow.
set allowresume 1
// Zmienna ta kontroluje opcje "resume", czyli odzyskiwania punktow w
// przypadku ponownego polaczenia z serwerem po disconnecie.
set noclustertechspawn 1
// Zmienna na ta kontroluje respawn techow. Standartowy kod CTF znany jest
// z grupowych respawnow techow. Ustawienie tej zmiennej na "1" daje
// rownomierny respawn techow na mapie.
set colorquad 1
// Dzieki zmiennej colorquad ustawionej na "1" quad teamu blue ma kolor
// niebieski, a teamu red: czerwony.
set hudtime 1
// Zmienna kontroluje, czy na ekranie graczy ma byc wyswietlany czas jaki
// pozostal do konca danej mapy.
set hb_effects 0
set hb_skipbolts 0
// Zmienne kontroluja zachowanie hyperblastera. Zmienna hb_effects
// ustawiona na "0" wylacza dynamicznie oswetlenie pociskow hyperblastera
// (tzw. bolt'ow), co redukuje lag. Natomiast zmienna hb_skipbolts
// kontroluje czestotliwosc wystrzeliwania pociskow hyperblastera wedle
// schematu:
// hb_skipbolts 0 wystrzeliwane sa wszystkie pociski
// hb_skipbolts 1 wystrzeliwany jest co drugi pocisk
// hb_skipbolts 2 wystrzeliwane sa 2 z 3 pociskow
// obnizenie ilosci wystrzeliwanych pociskow redukuje znacznie lag ktorego
// powodem jest hyperblaster. Wartosc "1" najlepiej wywaza ograniczanie
// lagu z skutecznoscia tej broni.
set grapplefix 1
// Zmienna grapplefix kontroluje zachowanie haka usuwajac niedogodnosci
// jakie znajduja sie w standartowym kodzie CTF.
set grapplesky 0
// Zmienna grapplesky kontroluje mozliwosc wbijania haka w niebo.
set offhandhook 0
// Zmienna kontroluje dostepnosc offhand hooka. Wartosc 0 wylacza
// offhandhooka, 1 wlacza rownolegle ze zwyklym grapple, a 2 wylacza
// standartowy grapple.
set supergrapple 0
// Zmienna kontroluje obecnosc piatego techa: super grapple.
set savehighscores 1
set savescores 0
// Zmienna savehighscores okresla, czy serwer ma prowadzic
// (i uzupelniac) tabele najlepszych wynikow na kazdej mapie.
set welcometime 0
// Zmienna welcometime kontroluje czas przez ktory na ekranie gracza, po
// dolaczeniu sie do gry wyswietlana jest tabela z wynikami.
set spawnprotect 2
// Zmienna spawnprotect kontroluje czas przez jaki po respawnie gracz jest
// niesmiertelny.
set gibcount 0
// Zmienna kontroluje ilosc gibow na jaka rozpada sie trafiony gracz.
// Standartowo jest to 4, ale 6 to jest more phun 8)
set idledetect 3
set detectbots 3
set maploop 1
set maxping 1000
set maxrate 12000
set weaponflags 1025 // 512 bans BFG, 1 is quick weapon switching
// Zmienna weaponflags kontroluje dostepnosc broni.
// Jej wartosc oblicza sie wedle nastepujacych kryteriow:
// WF_BAN_BFG 512
set itemflags 0 // quad respawns +/- 12 and random first quad
// Zmienna itemflags kontroluje dostepnosc artefaktow.
// Jej wartosc oblicza sie wedle nastepujacych kryteriow:
set powerupflags 0
// lfire 2 stuff
set arenaintermission 3
set arenaintermission_mercylimit 0
set freeteamchange 1
set freeteamchange_protect 3
set maxclients 24
set maxplayers 20
//set maxspectators 4
set connectlimit_public 24
set connectlimit_priority 30
set priority_password "*****"
set superuser_password "******"
set detectspeedcheat 2
set mapvote_allow 1
set mapvote_maxclients 0
set mapvote_minclients 2
set mapvote_pass 51
set intmapvote_allow 0
set intmapvote_showbspname 1
set maplist_random 1
set forcejoin 0
map q2ctf1
Niektore zmiennie dotyczace wykrywania botow moga miec inne wartosci niz podane w konfigach