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Clanbase Quake II CTF Cup Spring 2005
Autor Wiadomość
Warsaw Cop, Zawisza Zbanowany

Dołączył: 12 Gru 2002
Posty: 1429
Skąd: Warszawa
Wysłany: Sro Lut 16, 2005 3:40 am   

Vitez Ty se lepiej kurwa zmień narodowość i wtedy w cb wraz z ziomkami będziesz fajny. Ja nie rozumiem jak można jechać tak po swoim kraju...

Zwykle oko za oko - jestem tak "fajnie" traktowany tylko przez wspolplemiencow... smutne :( .
A ty idz sie naucz kultury, bo kulturwe juz masz opanowana.
"Dzięki Internetowi dowiedziałem się jak wielu idiotów jest na świecie" - Stanisław Lem 1921-2006
Fejki : "Czy rozumiesz choc troche logike tych czynow? NIE MA LITOSCI DLA SKUR*SYNOW!!!" - Kazik na Żywo

Wiek: 40
Dołączył: 29 Paź 2002
Posty: 1472
Wysłany: Sro Lut 16, 2005 3:52 am   

Vitez tyle ze twoje zachowanie nie przypomina 'oko za oko', ale 'ja wam pokaze kto ja jestem' ;)

Dołączył: 16 Sty 2005
Posty: 703
Skąd: Białystok
Wysłany: Sro Lut 16, 2005 6:37 am   

Ok. Właśnie wróciłem z lekcji "kultura" i stwierdzam po niej, że nadal Twoje zachowanie w sprawie Polski mnie zajebiście wkurwia.

Dołączył: 16 Gru 2002
Posty: 477
Skąd: Lublin
Wysłany: Sro Lut 16, 2005 10:57 am   

Vitez imho. scena Polska Quake2 za Toba nie przepada z jednego wzgledu, przynajmniej raz komus wlazles za skore, mam na mysli kicki za fejka za jakas bluzge za to ze miales zly dzien, nawet ostatnio gadam sobie z koleszka na specu (coolnet) a ty nagle,jeb, shutupy i text ze "say person" funkcjonuje a ilez to ja razy musialem sluchac Twoich smutow na temat tego jaki to cool jest Bleee a Xs jest super-fajny. Czlowieq Twoje texty na temat krucjaty przeciwko Nam Polakom, jaki Ty smieszny jestes zachowujesz sie jak eh..brak slow, zrozumialbym gdybys mial 13 lat ale nie 2X.
Wracaj do swoich "przyjaciol" z super-fajnego xs-u i sie od nas odpierdol. Ps.Hehe mozna by wyslac msg. do Bjorna czy jak ten koles sie zwie w Cb i napisac ze Vitez ( dowody na forum tylko english verison ;d) bedzie "tepic" Polksie klany tylko za to ze sa polskie czyli na arbitra sie nie nadaje ;) ;) ;) ;)
Ps2. a druga sprawa ten caly klient r1q2 czy jest taka mozliwosc ze z jego "winy" mam wiecej fps??? bo podejrzewam ze te cyferki ;) co mi sie pojawiaja to fps. :) tylko ze teraz kolo 150-200 a na nc. zawsze miale ale TO ZAWSZE 83 :) dodam ze mam bardzo chujowo karte co sie dumnie nazywa GeForce 4.
przepraszam ze sie odzywam :>
a i fejkow nie lubie...

Wiek: 40
Dołączył: 29 Paź 2002
Posty: 1472
Wysłany: Sro Lut 16, 2005 11:06 am   

ja na chujowym geforce4 mam ponad 800 fps, tyle ze to gf4 4400 :)
mxy ssaja, ale napewno powyzej 100 klatek powinienes miec, wiecej raczej r1q2 pokazuje tyle ile jest - 83 to ja na v2 sli wyciagalem 6 lat temu :/

Dołączył: 16 Gru 2002
Posty: 477
Skąd: Lublin
Wysłany: Sro Lut 16, 2005 11:14 am   

to pieknie :) pieknie :) ofc. GeForce4 mx :) niedlugo 3ba bedzie ja zmienic :P bo Thief3 nie chodzi :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
przepraszam ze sie odzywam :>
a i fejkow nie lubie...

Wiek: 114
Dołączyła: 14 Gru 2002
Posty: 1006
Skąd: Wroclove! :*
Wysłany: Sro Lut 16, 2005 12:57 pm   

Vitez, ja cie lubie jako czlowieka i na tematy poza q2 zawsze z Toba lubilam/lubie gadac .. Ale w tym jednym temacie kwakowskim to masz glowe tak zryta, ze marnuje sie slowa gadajac z toba .. Odbilo Ci .. : Adminem/Sedzia jestes dobrym, ale .. reszta zwiazana z q2, to po prostu jakas wielka parodia. Masz zajebiscie wielkie EGO, banujesz, na sile reformujesz ludzi i myslisz, ze jako admin/sedzia CB jestes Bogiem .. Nasz maly rycerzyk, ktory widzi siebie jako zbawiciela swiatka q2ctf .. Daj se spokoj i skup sie lepiej na grze, bo ash szkoda sie robi, ze czlowiek z taka 'wladza' gra nie lepiej od Vulcana na pingu 300 ;(
endless tears, forever joy!

Dołączył: 29 Gru 2002
Posty: 1826
Skąd: Bstox!
Wysłany: Czw Lut 17, 2005 1:24 pm   

Dajcie juz spokoj Vitezowi on i tak sie nie zmieni ani nie zmieni swiata ani polskich graczy.

Dołączył: 02 Gru 2004
Posty: 562
Skąd: P(r)oland/Gdańsk
Wysłany: Pią Lut 18, 2005 5:40 pm   

Najpierw napisałem na Clanbase w komentarzach to właśnie:

HW doesn't work on most PC [both of hw crashes]
Riq2 has got different physics than normal Q2/NC
Riq2's physics is for most polish players [i think not only polish] worse than normal physics of q2 engine so Those clients not IMHO suxx.
Can we use NC ?
Because every-normal-player wants to play matches without cheaters but we don't want to use unplayable clients!!!!
C'mon Admins & Supervisors understand it.
If somebody is using NC and you think that he is cheating so get his demo. If he doesn't have it then is w/o.
Simple and BEST method for both.
Thank You and sorry of my english [im still learning..]

potem rozmowa mejlowa z prezesem bjornem:
==>> Hi !
==>> There is an importan message from me [STa]KILER.J waiting
==>for You in
==>> comments to news " Decision about clients to be used " Sorry of my
==>> english but many players has got the same problems [not
==>only polish]
==>> Moment ago should be a match sta vs tic but we had
==>problems with new
==>> clients so we had to use wildcard.
==>> Tic also wanted to use NC. But Bjorn talked about rules. I
==>understand that
==>> was too late, and we know the rules but if the rules are not good? ==>> Can you change them? ==>> Please read the comment. ==>> Thank You ==>> [STa]KILER.J ==> ==>

==>We already had this discussion at the start of the cup. We
==>even ran a poll on the cuppage, where people could vote for
==>clients and the majority of the players wanted r1q2. We
==>decided to allow holywater as well, because it didn't need
==>any configging. Unfortunately it doesn't work for everybody. ==> ==>By now, you had about 3 weeks time to config r1q2, but you
==>probably were too lazy for it. If you have difficulties, try
==>asking other players who are using it and have configged it
==>well. If that's the case, the physics aren't any different
==>from nocheat.
==>I won't allow you or anyone else to play with nocheat,
==>especially not on Polish servers as they proved to be hacked
==>easily. So I suggest you start configging and make sure you
==>have the right client sunday. Otherwise you won't be playing. ==> ==>Regards, ==> ==>Björn ==>

Many days of configuring that shit. I was talkin about it with many players and still can't configure it. Holywars is home-made project, and his author closed him and backed again to q2advance - ROTFL
Poll including programs which don't work right - ROTFL
Unnormal Rules - ROTFL,
I think it's shame to CB:q2. Unfortunately i'am writing to You after cup started ;/ So we have to agree with rules ;/
Thank you for Your replay and see you on Sunday-evening-match ;s

Także z0nk! Musimy grać na tym gównie.
Walczyłem ztym gównem parę dni i gówno mi to dało.
Teraz jak gram to nonstop na tym, żeby się przyzwyczaić bo chcę sobie pograć ligówki ;/

Mi te ustawienia nie pomogły ale może komuś z was ułatwią przystosowanie się do riq2:


For those who can't play with HolyWater, use R1Q2! Just run the R1Q2Updater.exe to get the latest build, then add the following to your configs to get normal physics:

set cl_async "0"
set cl_smoothsteps "2"
set r_maxfps "90"
set cl_maxfps "90"
set vid_ref "r1gl"

If the physics still don't work as it used to be try play with those settings a bit. For example, try this configurations:

set cl_async "1"
set cl_instantpacket 1
set cl_smoothsteps "2"
set r_maxfps "10000"
set cl_maxfps "120"
set vid_ref "r1gl"

As for me, both R1Q2 and HolyWater work fine, just had to use a new config for R1Q2.

Warsaw Cop, Zawisza Zbanowany

Dołączył: 12 Gru 2002
Posty: 1429
Skąd: Warszawa
Wysłany: Pią Lut 18, 2005 9:57 pm   

Ja r1q2 testowalem i konfigurowalem ok 3 dni... podobnie wiekszosc z mojego klanu i wszyscy maja teraz w porzadku dzialajace r1 (tak mi sie wydaje)...

Oto jakie kilka porad wypisalem odnosnie konfigurowania tego - powinienes sam potestowac rozne wartosci a nie wklejac gotowce do configa:

I tried:
- cl_async 0 or 1 (stayed at 1 but many people on XP windows would prefer 0 - then it works like good old q2/NC);
- cl_maxfps between 30 and 120 (stayed at 120 but some people prefer 80 or even 50 due to ping going up at 100);
- r_maxfps between 300 and 1000 - stayed at 1000 although my PC and graphic card give me around 300 - seems smoother when I have it more than my PC gives ;); with cl_async 0 you should set it to max 120 and cl_maxfps to max 120 as well.
- cl_smoothsteps - between 0 and 3 - stayed at 3 as it gave most accurate "jumping" and stairs/ramps walking, 0 was quite nice too but a bit different (prolly due to fps things, with cl_async 0 and cl_maxfps 120 cl_smoothsteps at 0 or 2 should work fine but everybody has to find his best solution)
- cl_strafejump_hack between 0 and 1 - works on servers with strafejump hack enabled, on other servers makes strafejumping more difficult sometimes (depends on fps and ping) and even if enabled on server it's still weird so I don't use it.
- m_directinput between 0 and 2 IIRC - left at 0 as I have Win ME so no acceleration problem, although at this setting I had to make my sensitivity higher by 0.5 . Some people with XP can also prefer to leave it at 0 and try some r_mfix or r_xpfix - don't remember the exact name - variable.

Seems complicated but after 3 days of testing and reading and setting up I have my r1q2 working normally like good old NoCheat - it even allows to use ncgl library what is very important to me.
"Dzięki Internetowi dowiedziałem się jak wielu idiotów jest na świecie" - Stanisław Lem 1921-2006
Fejki : "Czy rozumiesz choc troche logike tych czynow? NIE MA LITOSCI DLA SKUR*SYNOW!!!" - Kazik na Żywo
Warsaw Cop, Zawisza Zbanowany

Dołączył: 12 Gru 2002
Posty: 1429
Skąd: Warszawa
Wysłany: Pią Lut 18, 2005 9:57 pm   

Ja testowalem r1q2 i konfigurowalem ok 3 dni... podobnie wiekszosc z mojego klanu i wszyscy maja teraz w porzadku dzialajace r1 (tak mi sie wydaje)...

Oto jakie kilka porad wypisalem odnosnie konfigurowania tego - powinienes sam potestowac rozne wartosci a nie wklejac gotowce do configa:

I tried:
- cl_async 0 or 1 (stayed at 1 but many people on XP windows would prefer 0 - then it works like good old q2/NC);
- cl_maxfps between 30 and 120 (stayed at 120 but some people prefer 80 or even 50 due to ping going up at 100);
- r_maxfps between 300 and 1000 - stayed at 1000 although my PC and graphic card give me around 300 - seems smoother when I have it more than my PC gives ;); with cl_async 0 you should set it to max 120 and cl_maxfps to max 120 as well.
- cl_smoothsteps - between 0 and 3 - stayed at 3 as it gave most accurate "jumping" and stairs/ramps walking, 0 was quite nice too but a bit different (prolly due to fps things, with cl_async 0 and cl_maxfps 120 cl_smoothsteps at 0 or 2 should work fine but everybody has to find his best solution)
- cl_strafejump_hack between 0 and 1 - works on servers with strafejump hack enabled, on other servers makes strafejumping more difficult sometimes (depends on fps and ping) and even if enabled on server it's still weird so I don't use it.
- m_directinput between 0 and 2 IIRC - left at 0 as I have Win ME so no acceleration problem, although at this setting I had to make my sensitivity higher by 0.5 . Some people with XP can also prefer to leave it at 0 and try some r_mfix or r_xpfix - don't remember the exact name - variable.

Seems complicated but after 3 days of testing and reading and setting up I have my r1q2 working normally like good old NoCheat - it even allows to use ncgl library what is very important to me.
"Dzięki Internetowi dowiedziałem się jak wielu idiotów jest na świecie" - Stanisław Lem 1921-2006
Fejki : "Czy rozumiesz choc troche logike tych czynow? NIE MA LITOSCI DLA SKUR*SYNOW!!!" - Kazik na Żywo
Warsaw Cop, Zawisza Zbanowany

Dołączył: 12 Gru 2002
Posty: 1429
Skąd: Warszawa
Wysłany: Pią Lut 18, 2005 9:57 pm   

Ja testowalem r1q2 i konfigurowalem ok 3 dni... podobnie wiekszosc z mojego klanu i wszyscy maja teraz w porzadku dzialajace r1 (tak mi sie wydaje)...

Oto jakie kilka porad wypisalem odnosnie konfigurowania tego - powinienes sam potestowac rozne wartosci a nie wklejac gotowce do configa:

I tried:
- cl_async 0 or 1 (stayed at 1 but many people on XP windows would prefer 0 - then it works like good old q2/NC);
- cl_maxfps between 30 and 120 (stayed at 120 but some people prefer 80 or even 50 due to ping going up at 100);
- r_maxfps between 300 and 1000 - stayed at 1000 although my PC and graphic card give me around 300 - seems smoother when I have it more than my PC gives ;); with cl_async 0 you should set it to max 120 and cl_maxfps to max 120 as well.
- cl_smoothsteps - between 0 and 3 - stayed at 3 as it gave most accurate "jumping" and stairs/ramps walking, 0 was quite nice too but a bit different (prolly due to fps things, with cl_async 0 and cl_maxfps 120 cl_smoothsteps at 0 or 2 should work fine but everybody has to find his best solution)
- cl_strafejump_hack between 0 and 1 - works on servers with strafejump hack enabled, on other servers makes strafejumping more difficult sometimes (depends on fps and ping) and even if enabled on server it's still weird so I don't use it.
- m_directinput between 0 and 2 IIRC - left at 0 as I have Win ME so no acceleration problem, although at this setting I had to make my sensitivity higher by 0.5 . Some people with XP can also prefer to leave it at 0 and try some r_mfix or r_xpfix - don't remember the exact name - variable.

Seems complicated but after 3 days of testing and reading and setting up I have my r1q2 working normally like good old NoCheat - it even allows to use ncgl library what is very important to me.
"Dzięki Internetowi dowiedziałem się jak wielu idiotów jest na świecie" - Stanisław Lem 1921-2006
Fejki : "Czy rozumiesz choc troche logike tych czynow? NIE MA LITOSCI DLA SKUR*SYNOW!!!" - Kazik na Żywo
Warsaw Cop, Zawisza Zbanowany

Dołączył: 12 Gru 2002
Posty: 1429
Skąd: Warszawa
Wysłany: Pią Lut 18, 2005 9:58 pm   

Ja testowalem r1q2 i konfigurowalem ok 3 dni... podobnie wiekszosc z mojego klanu i wszyscy maja teraz w porzadku dzialajace r1 (tak mi sie wydaje)...

Oto jakie kilka porad wypisalem odnosnie konfigurowania tego - powinienes sam potestowac rozne wartosci a nie wklejac gotowce do configa:

I tried:
- cl_async 0 or 1 (stayed at 1 but many people on XP windows would prefer 0 - then it works like good old q2/NC);
- cl_maxfps between 30 and 120 (stayed at 120 but some people prefer 80 or even 50 due to ping going up at 100);
- r_maxfps between 300 and 1000 - stayed at 1000 although my PC and graphic card give me around 300 - seems smoother when I have it more than my PC gives ;); with cl_async 0 you should set it to max 120 and cl_maxfps to max 120 as well.
- cl_smoothsteps - between 0 and 3 - stayed at 3 as it gave most accurate "jumping" and stairs/ramps walking, 0 was quite nice too but a bit different (prolly due to fps things, with cl_async 0 and cl_maxfps 120 cl_smoothsteps at 0 or 2 should work fine but everybody has to find his best solution)
- cl_strafejump_hack between 0 and 1 - works on servers with strafejump hack enabled, on other servers makes strafejumping more difficult sometimes (depends on fps and ping) and even if enabled on server it's still weird so I don't use it.
- m_directinput between 0 and 2 IIRC - left at 0 as I have Win ME so no acceleration problem, although at this setting I had to make my sensitivity higher by 0.5 . Some people with XP can also prefer to leave it at 0 and try some r_mfix or r_xpfix - don't remember the exact name - variable.

Seems complicated but after 3 days of testing and reading and setting up I have my r1q2 working normally like good old NoCheat - it even allows to use ncgl library what is very important to me.
"Dzięki Internetowi dowiedziałem się jak wielu idiotów jest na świecie" - Stanisław Lem 1921-2006
Fejki : "Czy rozumiesz choc troche logike tych czynow? NIE MA LITOSCI DLA SKUR*SYNOW!!!" - Kazik na Żywo
Warsaw Cop, Zawisza Zbanowany

Dołączył: 12 Gru 2002
Posty: 1429
Skąd: Warszawa
Wysłany: Pią Lut 18, 2005 9:59 pm   

Kilka postow sie pojawilo z powodu tego ze po wyslaniu posta odpalal mi jakis blad ogolny i wyswietlal watek bez mojego postu - przepraszam - wina forum :(
"Dzięki Internetowi dowiedziałem się jak wielu idiotów jest na świecie" - Stanisław Lem 1921-2006
Fejki : "Czy rozumiesz choc troche logike tych czynow? NIE MA LITOSCI DLA SKUR*SYNOW!!!" - Kazik na Żywo
Warsaw Cop, Zawisza Zbanowany

Dołączył: 12 Gru 2002
Posty: 1429
Skąd: Warszawa
Wysłany: Pią Lut 18, 2005 9:59 pm   

A ten blad wyglada tak:

Could not insert new word matches


SQL Error : 1016 Nie można otworzyć pliku: 'phpbb_search_wordmatch.MYD'. (Kod błędu: 145)

INSERT INTO phpbb_search_wordmatch (post_id, word_id, title_match) SELECT 19068, word_id, 0 FROM phpbb_search_wordlist WHERE word_text IN ('kilka', 'postow', 'sie', 'pojawilo', 'powodu', 'wyslaniu', 'posta', 'odpalal', 'jakis', 'blad', 'ogolny', 'wyswietlal', 'watek', 'bez', 'mojego', 'postu', 'przepraszam', 'wina', 'forum')

Line : 251
File : /home/vweb/vweb0040114/forum/includes/functions_search.php
"Dzięki Internetowi dowiedziałem się jak wielu idiotów jest na świecie" - Stanisław Lem 1921-2006
Fejki : "Czy rozumiesz choc troche logike tych czynow? NIE MA LITOSCI DLA SKUR*SYNOW!!!" - Kazik na Żywo
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